International Children’s Outreach Inc. is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to restoring the joy in the lives of children facing poverty.
Who We Are
International Children’s Outreach Inc. (ICO) is a non-profit, charitable organization dedicated to providing food, clothing, medical, and educational supplies to underprivileged children. We are not restricted as to where we may operate; however, we currently concentrate our efforts on projects which serve poor children within the inner city of the United States and third world countries.
ICO was founded by Onica A. Charles, who was born and raised in Guyana, South America and travels widely in developing countries helping unfortunate children by providing assistant with food, clothing, educational and medical supplies. To raise needed funds which will enhance and expand these humanitarian activities, in 2007 Charles subsequently organized and incorporated ICO as a charitable organization in the State of Florida. ICO is recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt charity under Sec. 501c3 of the Revenue Code.
Mission Statement
The non-profit organization shall encourage and promote the improvement of the lives of destitute children and young people around the world by directly being involved in;
• Providing funds and teaching aids to enhance education opportunities for impoverished students;
• Providing funds and treatment for children with medical conditions such as HIV/AIDS and mental health;
• Providing medical supplies and support to underfunded hospitals and clinics so that impoverished pediatric patients may receive improved care;
• Undertaking and supporting projects which enhance a family’s or a community’s ability to care for the health, welfare, or education of its children.
What We Do
Our projects fall within the following general categories:
• Direct Educational Support: We currently support children who otherwise would not be able to attend school and provide school supplies for children with a low socio-economic status
• Direct Food: We provide assistant with food supplies for children living in poverty
• Direct Clothing: We provide school uniforms and other clothing to underprivileged children
• Direct Medical Aid to Children: We seek and find children who need medical care and provide assistant to those who can’t afford treatment
• Direct Service: We host college students from across the United States where they part take in direct community service projects to ICO’s target population
Our Vision
In 2018 ICO constructed it’s first Education and Wellness Community Center in Guyana. In addition to building the center, ICO will host alternative break students globally where they will volunteer and provide assistant to the children within the community. The center will include classrooms, medical examination rooms, a library, media/technology room, therapeutic rooms and a community garden.